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How to Upcycle A Van

It's our 6th birthday, so we treated ourself to a new-to-us van. Follow our progress as we upcycle it!

The 'new-to-us' van needed a bit of TLC as well as fitting it with racking for our materials and tools, so Mark and Jason spent some time giving it some love. It needed some oil, grease and generally a good upcycling (which we are pro's at!) and created he racking ourselves.

It now is the newest team member and it certainly looks the part now it has it's new signage too!

While we were treating the new van to some love, we gave the red machine a touch-up too so it didn't feel left out.

Both vans are now on the road and if you spot any of our vehicles out and about, don't forget to snap a photo and tag us in it!

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